SBR and ABR RTMP Push Live with Edgecast - Proper PushPublishMap Syntax

I have found one document suggesting proper mappings to push RTMP to Edgecast.

To push to EdgeCast, use the rtmp profile. The rtmp profile is pre-configured to push to an RTMP CDN. When pushing to EdgeCast, the following account information is required:

• Host

• ApplicationID

• StreamName

• Live Authentication Key

Following is an example entry to push the stream myStream to EdgeCast, assuming these credentials:

• Host:

• ApplicationID: 200001

• StreamName: myStream

• Live Authentication Key: 0123456

My question is: What determines the ApplicationID, above listed as 200001?

Example map entry:

myStream={profile:“rtmp”, host:“”, application:200001, streamName:“myStream?0123456”, originalTimecodeThreshold:0x100000}

Here is my mapping for Single Bit Rate. Can someone help me determine what I need to change?


livestream.stream_360p={profile:“rtmp”, host:“”, application:“default” streamName:“XXXXX-stream4?XKeyX&adbe-live-event=XXXXX”, originalTimecodeThreshold:0x100000}

Also, if I were to send three bitrates, 480p and 720p, what would be changed in the above??



Hi Clayton,

The applicationID should be information that you get from Edgecast. Also, multi-bitrate push publishing to edgecast was covered in a tutorial thread by one of our users. There should be no changes in the map settings except for the streamnames.
