I’ve tested and tested and am good to go with my project (Wowza is awesome!) except for one thing.
I need to set up several Wowza trancoders to take input from several cams in the field and it’s great that those cams can RTMP or RTSP to a static transcoder so they do not have to be re-programmed to a different target on each deployment. This is terrific! 
What I lack at this point is the ability to ingest the output from these Wowza cam livestreams into our virtual control room such as OBS Studio or LIVE2Air - both prefer RTSP and both are awkward/impossible with RTMP. Besides, I want to hook the ingest for these ‘control room apps’ to a single static cloud server as opposed to have to re-program them to a local wireless network every time they travel, too. I’d much prefer an RTSP from Wowza, but could also make do with an intermediary cloud server that could serve as an RTMP target then just turn that stream around as an RTSP stream (for at least 4 different camz). I’d prefer NOT to have to set up my own server to do this…
Once I have the final stream I want, I’m already sending it successfully to uStream, Youtube and Facebook. This is my final hurdle to get me to the app suite I want to deploy. Great job Wowza!
Anybody have any suggestions that I could make work?
Ron Robinson
Thank you for the compliments and we’re very glad you’re enjoying this product.
You may find the following article helpful for pushing RTP streams from Wowza Streaming Engine to a destination IP/Port.
If you wanted to use Wowza Streaming Engine as the intermediary, this should work. You should be able to ingest the RTMP and use the Stream Target, as defined in the article above, to push these streams to your studio software. Then output a stream from this software back to Wowza Streaming Engine for distribution to your Internet destinations.
Best regards,
Hi Chris,
At the Akamai address there are only HLS and HDS streams available. Philipp’s example was for pulling RTSP from the Cloud entrypoint that ingests your source, which is essentially an Engine instance in the cloud that then pushes to Akamai for CDN capabilities.
Hi Jürgen
sorry for the late reply
please use “Other rtmp or rtsp” with your livestream creation´s source connection, this will ensure you get the same system you were using in trial.
i guess you found already out and again sorry for the late reply
you can pull rtsp from the wowza streaming cloud server.
to build this:
- Go to advanced → transcoders and add a new transcoder
What type of transcoder is this?
-choose Passthrough
What is the source protocol?*
-choose rtmp
What is the source delivery method?*
-choose Push to Wowza Streaming Cloud
save and start the passthrough transcoder
push with your cam rtmp to the source connection info
The same URL that you use to push the stream to is also valid to receive it with rtsp up to 10 times.
If you deliver to your entry point rtmp://wowzaentrypoint:1935/appname/streamname then pull the rtsp stream from the same address: rtsp://wowzaentrypoint:1935/appname/streamname
- Note that you only need a single passthrough livestream to be created to send multiple streams through it!
Just give each stream name a unique identifier as streamname1, streamname2, streamname3…
Let me know if you can get this going and sorry in the lack of documentation for this use case.
Thanks Philipp
Hello Phillip,
This is exactly what I was looking for. I’ve tried to set up a transcoder in that way but I’m a little bit confused regarding the stream names, because there is a default stream name in the setup which can’t be changed. Am I wrong with that or is there a mistake in my transcoder setup?
Thanks for your help,