rtmp H.264 input TO HLS/http (iOs) H.264 out

Background: I’ve built a web-based app that makes it push button launch Wowza’s devpay AMI’s on AWS (in any size or region). The first server that loads for a given event is the origin server; you can then launch edge servers at will. (I’ve also automated a player embed tag that goes along with the configuration to make it truly work.)

I’m wondering… the origin takes an H.264 encoded rtmp stream. Can I create an edge configuration option for a server that gets the stream from the origin and delivers it as HLS, which I understand is HTTP without the transcoder plugin… assuming the rtmp stream is already H.264; this isn’t really a transcode; just an alternate delivery protocol. And this would have to be possible using the off-the-shelf AMI’s; I don’t want to customize the AMI beyond Application configurations. Any pointers are greatly appreciated. I’ve combed through forums and looked at documentation; I think I’m just not quite sure where to start.

You don’t need the Wowza Transcoder for HLS (cupertinostreaming). With LiveRepeater, packetizing is done on the origin. Take a look at this guide:





Thank you for the link. Very helpful. With proper server configuration; then I assume you configure the player like


as documented here: https://www.wowza.com/docs/how-to-install-and-configure-wowza-streaming-engine#cupertinostreaming?

