The more I research this, the more confused I seem to be getting, so I just need to ask point blank.
What do I need to do to ensure that my live video can play on most devices? Namely flash and HLS/HTML5?
Best I’ve been able to tell, if you use XML/RSS as a playlist, JW Player won’t do fallback. They recommend using a JSON playlist instead.
But if you use MediaRSS (which I believe Wowza is), apparently HTML 5 can use it (as opposed to the m3u8 file?) but while it plays fine on the desktop, the iOS device is showing just a black box with a play button that seemingly does nothing.
I’m running Wowza in standalone mode and I can see the requests coming in from the PC, but I don’t see anything coming from the iOS device. So is there a proper way to do this or do I need to get into device detection via PHP and send different scripts for different clients?
ETA: Ideally I should be able to support blackberry as well (via download (?)). Initially I had them all working with JW embedded fallback but once I try to integrate the MediaRSS playlist, it all fell apart.