JSON REQUEST to ip:8087/v2/servers/defaultServer/publishers with verb GET: {“restURI”:“ip:8087/v2/servers/defaultServer/publishers”} RETURN: {“code”:“403”,“message”:“Your IP address (myip) has been blocked”,“success”:false,“wowzaServer”:“4.6.0”} object(stdClass)#4 (4) { [“code”]=> string(3) “403” [“message”]=> string(50) “Your IP address (myip) has been blocked” [“success”]=> bool(false) [“wowzaServer”]=> string(5) “4.6.0” }
Hello @Mohamed Gamal
I would recommend looking in the Server.xml RESTInterface block to see if the IP address you are trying to connect is on the IPBlackList.
If it is not there, I would recommend adding it to the IPWhiteList.
Please save and restart your Wowza Server for changes to take effect.
Hello @Jason Tuchler
I am using php sdk https://github.com/WowzaMediaSystems/wse-rest-library-php for rest api functions. and receiving the same error:
stdClass Object
[message] => Your IP address ( has been blocked
[wowzaServer] => 4.7.3
[success] =>
[code] => 403
Where Can I find Server.xml file on server?
FYI, I am using 100tb.com server and centos ox is installed there
I got the solution
Hi Jatinder, above link is now down, can you add the solution here.
<IPWhiteList>*</IPWhiteList> under <RESTInterface>
then Restart Wowza.
Add your specific IP is recommended, * will allow anything and always avoid wildcard.