I am using Live Application. “Record all incomming streams” is set to ON in Options.
However, the recorded file(mp4) may be corrupted. Specifically, the video time is incorrect. Is there a way to fix the video, proper settings for stable storage, etc.?
Hello Yatabe,
Thanks for posting on the forum. So we may better assist you, please share more details on how the video is corrupt, and how the time is incorrect. Screen shots are very helpful for clarity.
Additionally, please post a brief numbered list of steps outlining your workflow beginning at the encoder, or if you’re using a .stream file to connect to a source (e.g. - RTSP IP camera) start there. Take the below items into account if possible.
Encoder (manufacturer, version, etc) or Source
Stream output protocol (i.e. - RTMP, RTSP, etc)
Which type of recording process is being used (e.g. - Stream recorder vs nDVR)
This is the live post regarding the above issue.
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