Now I am working on restreaming Ip camera Edimax 3110 whic support H.264 Codec but the audio is G711 A-law which need Transcoder Add-on by using Audioonly.xml as a template and the application.xml I created look like this
cupertinostreamingpacketizer, smoothstreamingpacketizer, sanjosestreamingpacketizer
However, I didn’t see any different on the result before and after I enabled the Transcoder
Before I enabled the transcoder function, the l just did restreaming RTSP’s stream from my IP camera and It’s working properly. I tested it from the RTMP flash player, the result seem like it was working, video and audio were playing even the IP camera used Codec A-law (Is this normal?). However, I generate code to embed into website unfortunately I loss the audio but the video still appear on the player. Is this because Wowza do not support this type of audio Codec?
After I enabled Transcoder in Application.xml, the result was still the same (get both video and audio when testing with RTMP flash player, no audio when I tested generate code and embed into website)
So, from this case how can I get both video and audio from my IP camera?Anyone can help me?
Also, it sounds like you might be testing the input stream, which is not transcoded. You are using the audioonly.xml template, so if the input stream is named “myStream”, there will be “myStream_aac” transcoded stream. Play that back.
You can use the Wowza /examples/LiveVideoStreaming/FlashRTMPPlayer/player.html
Server: rtmp://[wowza-address]:1935/live
Stream: myStream_aac
Are you saying that this tone you can here is not on the source stream (H.264/G711)?
Server: rtmp://[wowza-address]:1935/live
Stream: myStream
You can only hear the tone when playing the transcoded stream (H.264/AAC)?
Server: rtmp://[wowza-address]:1935/live
Stream: myStream_aac
Have you tried the Wowza OSMF player in the /examples directory?
Hi! Richard
Thanks for your guide. But sorry to say that I did not know how to play mystream_acc stream. Do I have to restream the transcoded one?
can you tell me step by step how to do that? many thanks
Many thanks Richard, I just got it
By the way, after I embed the code on website, I just got the weird tone like telephone every 12 second. Is that because of the trial version or it is just my bad configuration?
Anyone can give me a hint? I used Audioonly.xml as a template to transcode the incoming G711 A-law to AAC. After I used transcoder and test on RTMP player /embed the code to website using code from OSMF, the result I got is good live stream on video but not that good on audio since there will be some interfere by the sound like a waiting tone on the telephone. How can I figure out?