Hi dear Experts,
I have a question/problem and I hope very much that someone can help me.
I want to restream a rtmp-stream of the following type with my WMS:
Source-Stream which I want to restream:
rtmp://website.com/live somestream.stream http://www.website/livecontent/up/jw-player/player/player.swf http://www.website.com/mychannel/
How to get this working?
I want to thank in advance for the help.
Is it a FMS server? If so, take a look at this guide:
The same will work if it is a Wowza server/application with StreamType “live”.
If the source is a Wowza server that can be configured as an Liverepeater origin, follow this guide:
First try playing the stream in a Wowza player:
Does it play? If not, it is probably protected and cannot be re-streamed using this method
If you send a working rtmp url and stream name to support@wowza.com, we can try it. Include a link to this thread for reference.
Dear Richard, thank you very much for your reply, I tried both methods and many other things, but unfortunately without success 
Could you try to restream it, if I send you the source-stream via private message or e-mail (because I can not publish here the source-stream)?
I would be very thankfull if you could help me this way.
Well, on my Wowza-Live-html I can not play it, but on my linux opensource player I can play the stream this way: rtmp://cp12345.live.edgefcs.net/live playpath=xyz_1_800@12345
I don´t know if there is a protection, but the stream-owner told me, I can use this if I restream/redistribute it with my own Wowza-Server.
Any hints for me?