PushPlugin PushPublishMap dynamic stream name


Is’t possible to override the destination streamname (StreamName:myStream) in PushPublishMap.txt, with the source stream name?

myStream ={Profile:rtmp, StreamName:myStream, Host:x.x.x.x, Application: xxxxx, UserName:xxxxx, Password:xxxxx}

I have tried to find any objects with these parameters in the function onPublish that I could change

public void onPublish(IMediaStream stream, String streamName, boolean isRecord, boolean isAppend){


I need to find o way, because the source streamname will be diffrent every time.

Thanks in advance!

If you do now give it a “StreamName” parameter it will us the source stream name as the destination name unless the destination requires specific names (such as Akamai). You can put anyname you want including the source stream name in the StreamName parameter. You have to know the source stream name for the PushPublishMap.txt file since currently generated or changing names is not supported.