Publish video stream with fps=30 but play with fps=15

Hi. My problem is that I cant get fps from incoming stream greater that 15 fps.

I’m using WSE 4.0.1 with default settings and flash player 12

I run WSE locally on Win7 with java7 32 bit

and on dedicated server Ubuntu 12.04 with java7 64 bit

But results are the same.

Set camera properties:

            cam.setMode(480, 360, 24, true);
            cam.setQuality(300000, 0);

Test fps on camera and streams objects:

Math.round(cam.currentFPS) + " " + Math.round(outNS.currentFPS) + " " + Math.round(inNS.currentFPS)

Output is

24 24 15

If I change fps to 3:

            cam.setMode(480, 360, 3, true);
            cam.setQuality(300000, 0);

Output is

3 3 3

Hi there, a frame size of 320x240 is the recommended max, and you might want to set key frames to twice the fps. 15/30 would probably be better then 24/48

You will just have to play with these settings. There is no guarantee that what you set up will be what you get. The actual results may differ slightly (or drastically.)


One other thing is, your setQuality is favoring bandwidth, you should turn this around to favor quality:

cam.setQuality(0, 90);
