publish.password and Actionscript


Can anyone please help me with sending publish.password from AS3? I have wowza server with configured publish.password. When i connect from Adobe Flash Media Live Encoder 3.2 it prompts me for username and password. And after that, it works fine.

How I can do this from action script? I got error: NetStream.Publish.Failed (Not authorized to publish).


nc = new NetConnection();

nc.connect(rtmpUrl, myUsername, myPassword); << i guess this is ok for connect.password, but not for publish.password

nsPublish = new NetStream(nc);

nsPublish.publish(streamName); << this one gives me error “NetStream.Publish.Failed (Not authorized to publish)”

Thank you and best regards,


RTMP authentication is not supported in Flash applications. Here is an alternative


Hi Richard,

Thank you very much for your answer.