I am publishing a RTMP stream from avconv using the following command;
avconv -i -acodec libfaac -acodec libfaac -b:a 96k -vcodec libx264 -filter:v yadif -b:v 900k -preset superfast -threads 4 -bt 2500 -qcomp 0.7 -f flv rtmp://
This makes a RTMP stream available at rtmp:// .
RTMPDUMP works on that address correctly.
I can play the stream in VLC using the following link;
All of this is working good and Im really close to purchase wowza, but there is 1 thing missing.
I wish to be able to “wget” the actual flv as well, so I need to know which URL holds the actual stream,
it should be something like (i.e. I do NOT want a playlist file, I want to provide the ACTUAL file over http), how do I do this?
I fully understand the possibility to “steal” streams if I do this, but this is how I want it to behave.
wget will not work with Wowza. You have to use a web server to do that.
That would essentially be progressive download, which is not supported in Wowza. A work-around is to install a web server on the same machine and map the Wowza content location to a web folder.
You can record the streams on the Wowza server using one of the *record StreamTypes mentioned in the user guide. Or using the LiveStreamRecord addon module. Then you can make these recordings available on your web server.
You can also use a third party utility such as ffmpeg or VLC to record live streams to a file.
wget will not work with Wowza. You have to use a web server to do that.
It doesnt need to support wget specifically, but I wish to know the exact url to where the stream is located so that I can open it in vlc like;
http://wowza: port/myStream.flv
without the playlist file etc
Yes, that option would be viable, but how does one “map the content”, when the content are not actual files, but published live streams?