I’m pretty new in Wowza engine, and i’ve got problem to play VOD video in VideoJS Player.
I’m making a VOD platform, all my files are stored in a S3 bucket in amazon. At first i’ve used rtmp protocol to test Wowza Engine, but for the prototype i need a simple protocol to display on any devices.
I’ve choosed HLS Protocol because it is now supported natively on iOS and Android. For the browsers it is native on Safari, and the videoJS community make a plugin videojs-contrib-hls to display this protocol on all the known browsers.
So i’ve got a VOD Edge application who has to same configuration that a vods3 app.
Clients are uploading in any classics formats and i use AWS Elastic Transcoder to transcode to HLS readable format. There are all simple files so that not generate me any playlist file (.m3u8) when i transcode it. File like .mov file just stay .mov extension.
When i try to read my file now, player is looping with no errors but video still not displaying.
Any access log is given in the Engine Manager console.
Im trying to access my file like this : “http://[WowzaServerIP]:1935/[MyApp]/definst/mp4:[MediaCachePrefix]/[BucketAWS]/[PathToMyFile]”
Is someone got an similar stack and give me some advices / topics where i can find solutions.
If you have usefull critics about use this stack for what i’m trying to do, i take :).
I can post my configuration if it can help.
PS : The server where Wowza Engine is running has a webapplication running on port 80 too.