I’m trying to set up a Wowza Streaming server for one of my clients and I need a way for creating playlists.
I need that playlists will start at specific day and hour (ex. 2017-08-12 08:00).
That playlist would be composed by local video (that are in the /content folder).
I tried creating a .smil playlist like this:
<stream name="Stream1"></stream>
<playlist name="pl1" playOnStream="Stream1" repeat="true" height="288" width="512" length="5">
<video src="mp4:sample.mp4" start="0" length="5"><param
name="videoBitrate" value="743000" valuetype="data"></param>
<param name="audioBitrate" value="96000" valuetype="data"></param>
and I put it on /content folder along with other videos.
I want to stream to MPEG DASH.
I don’t know which URL pass to the html5 video player (I’m using bitmovin).
Also I tried following this guide
but without success.
What I don’t know is:
Do I need vod or live application for what I’m trying to achieve?
Thanks for taking time to answering my question.