In nodejs, using cloud api, while trying to create new stream, i am getting an 422 error because of player_logo_image.
My api request header is
const options = {
hostname: hostname,
path: path,
method: ‘POST’,
headers: {
‘wsc-access-key’: wscAccessKey,
‘wsc-timestamp’: timestamp,
‘wsc-signature’: signature,
‘Content-Type’: ‘application/json’
This is how i have added player_logo_image = ‘’;
Did I missed anything?
That is not a parameter we use for Wowza Player. What Player are you using with this workflow?
Also there are 422 errors for a lot of different things, do you have any more info you can share from that error or from the logs. If you are not using Wowza player, you can always submit a support ticket too to get help with this since the engineers do not offer debugging or official technical support in the forums.
It may be a way to get this solved more quickly for you.
We will need to have more access to your config and error logs.