Hi! I’ve been trying to find information on how to playback a live streaming using the html5 video tag, but couldn’t find any info… Is that possible? I need to embed the video in a cellphone webpage and html5 video tag seems to be the only way to go… any idea to help me with this?
You can use HTML5 video tag in iOS device browsers and Mac OSX Safari with Wowza cupertino streams, playlist.m3u8 URLs. Take a look at the cupertino configuration and playback steps in any of the tutorials
It is supposed to be supported in some Android devices, but not recommended here because of mixed reports re those devices and that it doesn’t work at all on others. We recommend rtsp to Android devices at present
I’m trying to use the tag with an example video wowza provides but I can’t make it work… I’m testing this under safari using an iPad. The only thing I get is an “Play” button with a cross over it…