Play video from ec2 instance


I’m having trouble playing my recorded videos from my ec2 instance (linux server). The file live on the linux server in /WowzaMediaServer/content/example.flv - is there a direct link to this file so I can play it on my site?

contact me: rshmelev {at} gmail [dot] com

i guess it will be easy to resolve an issue

Normally the link would be rtsp://[wowza-ip or instance name]/vod/example.flv (for RTSP playback) or http://[wowza-ip or instance name]/vod/example.flv/playlist.m3u8 (for iOS) but you may have configured your Wowza server incorrectly. Alternatively, the example.flv may not be compressed (encoded) with a codec supported by Wowza. Wowza only supports h.264; some FLV files are encoded with VP7 or VP8 codecs.

Allow me to check your server and help you to a working solution. Contact me on Skype (ID: karelboek) or by email.

Kind Regards,

Karel Boek
