The latest chrome build Version 127.0.6533.73 (Official Build) (64-bit) has broken WebRTC
Across all servers, our custom code even the reports the same error.
Error: Failed to execute ‘setLocalDescription’ on ‘RTCPeerConnection’: Failed to parse SessionDescription. Failed to parse codecs correctly.
Currently unable to fix this.
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if anyone comes across this in the meantime, the issue seems to be with the mungeSDPPublish function from the wowza webrtc-examples, commenting that out at least stops the peer connection failed error and creates a stream
chrome://webrtc-internals/ with Chrome 127 and 128 beta
It seems setLocalDescription created by wowza sample code of mungeSDPPublish, does not have any
line in video section.
Also, createOfferOnSuccess at chrome://webrtc-internals shows, H.264 options but profile-level-id is different than Chrome 126.
42001f → 42002a
42e01f → 42e02a
4d001f → 4d002a
64001f → 64002a
@anyone here, thank you for the reports and your valuable input. We are aware of the issue and investigating, please follow
for updates.
Thank you!
Bernd Backhaus
Wowza Support
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