onConnectAccept() method doesn't work with RTSP


I am working with java IDE, trying to add a stream listener only to the Authenticated users. However, onConnectAccept(IClient client) only works with RTMP.

Also, stream.getUniqueStreamIdStr(); doesn’t give a unique id on rtsp encoder from mobile app nor it gives a unique id with client.getClientId().

I want to work with onPublish() method without adding listeners to each and every stream (player/publisher).


I found this topic, it helped a little although I don’t wish to replace the password file authentication. I just want to know whether the user is authenticated or not.

It’s outdated topic. And the file [install-dir]/conf/Authentication.xml is missing!, I had to extract it from wms-server.jar in com/wowza/wms/conf/Authentication.xml .

And the closing Name tag after passwordFile is not closed in the example xml .

How to integrate Wowza user authentication with external authentication systems (ModuleRTMPAuthenticate)



If you need to intercept RTP authentication, you will need to override Authentication.xml and the security modules defined for the built-in product. In previous versions of Wowza, this file was available to be edited. However, in version 4, this configuration file has been built-in to the package and would need to be extracted (as you have found) so that you can override the default values.

Can you provide additional information on what you are trying to do with your custom module? The onPublish() method should only be called for a publisher, and not a player connection.
