I am using a custom Video Player and it requires me to set the Header Content-Type to “application/vnd.apple.mpegurl” instead of “text/plain; charset=UTF-8” for the live stream.
I have seen many suggestions but cat seem to get it to work.
Please assist.
I’m unsure if content-type can be over-ridden with a new value. (I know additional header values can be added)
I would need to try it but am out of town at the moment
I’m an independent consultant, reach out to me at scott@blankcanvas.video.
Hi Adrian, The content type can be overridden; you can change it to anything you need. Many players automatically recognize the m3u8 format even if the content type is not vnd.apple.mpegurl. However, for Video.js, you need to specify it. If you need any help, feel free to reach out to me at emre.karatasoglu@hotmail.com.