Need to customize the filename recorded by WOWZA.

Hello. This is what we need:

Wowza’s Live Stream Record, that’s accessible from the following URL:

…is recording streams perfectly fine splitting files by duration.

The only thing is that the filename that it outputs is:


Basically we need help customizing the filename:

  1. We need to remove “.stream” part of the name.

  2. We need to remove MINUTES, SECONDS and MILLISECONDS from the file name.

  3. We need to remove the TIMEZONE from the file name.

All we would like to have in our file name are:

  1. Name of the stream without extension .stream.

  2. we would like to have YEAR-MONTH-DAY-HOUR in the file name as well.

After clean up, above Filename should basically look this way:


That’s all we would like. Our streams definitely should be split by duration of one hour and recorded into the custom path that we specify for each channel that we record. We record multiple channels.

We would like to be able to still use the following User Friendly Recording Module of WOWZA while filenames should be customized:

Thank you.


I assume you’re familiar with the option in LiveStreamRecord to specify the name of the recording in the “File Name” field, and I assume that this option doesn’t give you a satisfying result. I can develop a simple custom plugin/module for you that will change the filename after the recording, in accordance with your needs. Contact me on Skype (ID: karelboek) or by email for more information.

Kind Regards,

Karel Boek
