nDVR Purging Clarification

I am thinking of implementing nDVR for a bunch of webcams but I need some clarification on the purging aspect of older files. I know there is a max WindowDuration of 30 hours. So this means I can only let users go back up to 30 hours, correct? I currently have a test application set to 6 hours. After 6 hours, will the m4fv and m4fd files older than 6 hours be deleted automatically? Or will they still be on my server and I need to set up a crontab script to delete them?


Right, that’s the maximum for a single recording.

File management is actually explained in this guide How to plan your Wowza nDVR workflow.

But yes, if the WindowDuration is set to 6 hours, the files will be trimmed/removed to maintain that 6 hours.

Best regards,
