I am using WowzaStreamingEngine to produce an HLS LIVE+DVR stream.
The DVR is set up with a 5 minutes window. I can correctly send my video to wowza and see it correctly through DVR.
I set the Archive Method to append so, according to specifications, if I play over an already existing filename, I overwrite it with the new appending new parts.
I use this functionality to maintain a single stream name but appending dynamically content from different sources. (the last it cames it overwrite the previous)
This kinda works, but I noticed that if it elapses certain time between the last write and a new write on the same file, and a viewer is viewing the HLS stream with native safari html5 video tag, the stream freeze at the switch.
I guess this happen because the playlist file is the same, but we have an unexpected hole in the chuncklist. Since I cannot avoid to have this hole I’m wandering if it is possible to set up wowza to inject an EXT-X-DISCONTINUITY tag in the playlist right before each append on the same playlist.
I found the option dvrAppendDiscontinuityDelta that says When using append mode, a short time delta, in milliseconds, is placed between the old recording and the newly appended recording. This property applies to append mode. and I enabled it with a value of 500 (500ms EXT discontinuity I guess), but if I check the playlist with curl after the append, I don’t see any EXT-X-DISCONTINUITY tag in the DVR chunklist.
Am I doing something wrong? Is this option the option I am looking for? Do I have to implement a wowza module to insert these EXT-X-DISCONTINUITY tags between subsequents DVR appends?
Thanks in advance for the help.