nDVR error.

hi all,

my system is being run ndvr for 30 hour ( for 10 profile ). Sometime nDVR get error ( nDVR not run, live run ok ).

Can anyone help?


1888260.23 - - - - - - - - DvrPacketHandler.handlePacket[live/definst/vtv3HD_dvr]: Tossing packet with excessive duration: {DvrAMFPacket: size:48283, type:9, src:10, seq:131564870, absTimecode: 1887321167, timecode:10283, utcTc:1415162833187}

1890306.856 - - - - - - - - DvrPacketHandler.handlePacket[live/definst/vtv3HD_dvr]: Tossing packet with excessive duration: {DvrAMFPacket: size:124595, type:9, src:10, seq:131708455, absTimecode: 1889366054, timecode:7815, utcTc:1415164879815}

WARN server comment 2014-11-05 12:21:43 - - - - - 1890315.95 - - - - - - - - HTTPStreamerAdapterCupertinoStreamer.onPlaylist[live/vtv3HD_dvr/playlist.m3u8?DVR]: Invalid session

1890395.364 - - - - - - - - HTTPStreamerAdapterCupertinoStreamer.onPlaylist[live/vtv3HD_dvr/playlist.m3u8?DVR]: Invalid session


	DvrPacketHandler.handlePacket[live/_definst_/vtv3HD_dvr]: Tossing packet with excessive duration: {DvrAMFPacket: size:48283, type:9, src:10, seq:131564870, absTimecode: 1887321167, timecode:10283, utcTc:1415162833187}

This is a built-in safeguard in Wowza nDVR AddOn. Wowza nDVR expects the incoming audio and video to be aligned. When the audio and video are out of alignment beyond the allowable tolerance, you’ll see this WARN message in the logs. It indicates dropped packets and a problematic source stream. See dvrAllowableAVPacketDelta in the Wowza nDVR Advanced Configuration article to try to compensate for out-of-alignment issues.

Also, Wowza nDVR has a recording limit of 30 hours. In real-world deployments, serving playlist data this large won’t work. Also, if a problem occurs during the recording (disk full, network, out-of-memory, etc.), the entire recording could be comprised. An extremely large manifest file may also cause performance issues because the entire manifest file must be loaded into memory. Select a strategy that records a reasonable length so that small manifest files can be loaded and unloaded quickly. A longer recording is a viable workflow if only a small part of the recording is specified for playback. For example, a 24-hour recording with a 1- or 2-hour playback windows results in a much smaller playlist size vs. a playlist for the entire 24-hour recording. The playlist will be repeatedly requested every few seconds (based on key frame size); therefore, an extremely large playlist size is problematic for the player and should be avoided.

Kind regards,
