Is it possible with Wowza to mix an audio and a video stream to one mixed audio/video stream?
I am thinking about a multicamera setup, where the user can switch between camera’s but still using the same audiostream. I could off course use 2 streams in my player but then I probably will get synching problems.
Any clever solutions for this? I need a salution for both live and on-demand streams.
Could not find a thread about this subject with the forum search.
Thanks in advance.
Just completely separate the audio from the video. A single NetConnection can have many NetStream objects. So have one NetStream that is audio only and one that is video only. You can switch the video at will.
Synchronization is going to be an issue. If you want it synchronized then you will need an audio channel with each video channel.
You might be able to do something tricky with the Publisher API but I really don’t have sample code. You would need to mix streams from multiple source streams. Tricky!
Describe in detail what you need. The devil is in the details of how you want it to work.
It would probably be best to re-encode both the video and audio into a single stream. We do have the API to intercept the incoming audio and video packets. The re-encoding part is not part of Wowza. A tool like Xuggler might be able to do this.
Just going to refresh this convo a little… so when you say it would be tricky Charlie… does that mean that you have an idea of how you’d approach it or that you’d need to sit and have a coke to think of way to do it.
So I assume you’d use the videopassthru stuff in combination with the publisher api? I guess using a global listener for start publishing you’d then write the stream out to a new feed… but I have no idea how you’d handle the combining of those.
Any direction you could push me?
Well if there really is pie in the sky… 
It would be great to have say 3 publishers pushing a video/audio stream into wowza… and have wowza grab those streams and output a single video of them side by side or something. I guess in a similar way to the octopuz project that Xuggle is doing >
Would it be a matter of intercepting the amfpackets and writing out the combined audio/video/data bits nicely so that it didn’t clobber one another and still play nicely on the clientside?
Thanks for the ear to bend.
And that causes no problem with synchronization? Neither with live or on-demand streams?
It’s not possible to mix those 2 together with Wowza?
Do you know any other serverside solutions?
I am not sure if it’s worth the try if even you say it’s tricky ;).
As always, thank you for the fast and helpful replies charlie :).