Loading and printing UTF-8 content in a wowza module

I’ve run into trouble loading UTF-8 text for a test onTextData module. . And then trying to print it. In a spring app it’s loading the files correctly. Any ideas.

Its a problem for Japanese, Chinese and Russian

In Wowza it’s gibberish which possibly explains why it’s gibberish in webvtt output in HLS.

Text like this

Вот гораздо более длинный второй субтитр, который должен заполнить большую часть экрана.

Shows up as this in the console and log

Line: ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???, ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???. ru

I have set encoding to UTF-8 in the tune config

<VMOption>-Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true -DFile.Encoding=UTF-8</VMOption>

The code to load content as utf8

 String textFile =  SystemUtils.expandEnvironmentVariables(textFileStr, pathMap);
		    //getLogger().info("FILE: " + textFile);
		    onTextDataList = new ArrayList<OnTextData>();
		    File textFileObj = new File(textFile);
		    BufferedReader inf = null;
		    if (textFileObj.exists())
		    	//inf = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(textFileObj, ));
		    	 inf = new BufferedReader(
  			           new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(textFileObj), "UTF-8"));