Load Schedule StreamSchedule.smil by command line


I just finished developing a web based filtering system for 24/7 live tv. What the system do is actually play a specific mp4 video on specific time.

01.00-02.00 AM play myStream.stream

02.00-02.30 AM play mp4:sample.mp4

02.30-03.00 AM play myStream.stream

The web based system store the schedules in mySQL database an I’ve write a script to generate streamschedule.smil via cron job.

To test the streamschedule.smil, I will use the provided LoadSchedule.html by Wowza.

What if I want to reload the schedule via command line in Linux ?

Or it’s safe to say that user that play the stream after streamscheduled was updated will get the new schedule ?

Thank you


azril nazli alias

azril [at] stream.my


Take a look at the last three or four posts in this thread

which should provide what you need.



Take a look at the last three or four posts in this thread

which should provide what you need.


I went with commandline JMX . Am I doing right ?

JMXCommandLine -jmx  service:jmx:rmi://localhost:8084/jndi/rmi://localhost:8085/jmxrmi -user admin -pass admin stopVHost tv2_international
JMXCommandLine -jmx  service:jmx:rmi://localhost:8084/jndi/rmi://localhost:8085/jmxrmi -user admin -pass admin startVHost tv2_international

worked like a charm :smiley: thank you for the references

I’m using http providers route