We’re evaluating the Live Stream Recorder and are using the example modules listed in https://www.wowza.com/docs/how-to-start-and-stop-live-stream-recordings-programmatically-livestreamrecordautorecord-example to run some tests. In ModuleAutoRecordAdvancedExample.java, setting recordParams.recordData to false instead of true (line 146) still triggers a recording. We’d like to set the recording to true only for certain streams but it appears that this param is being ignored. Is this a know issue? Or should we be using another param? We’re running Wowza 4.0.6.
The code snippet that you pasted won’t work for us since the stream details wouldn’t be present during onAppStart. We were instead hoping to set the recordData param to true inside the onCreateRecorder() method on a stream-by-stream basis.
The StreamType we’re using is liverepeater-origin since we use the origin-edge configuration.
We are using the nDVR add but not for this application. This is for regular live streams.