I have resolved my all questions.
I am able to stream in JW6 and transcoder.
But my issue is ,
I am using 80. Port in Vhost. I stream to that Vhost.
When i use http://s4.tilda.com.tr:80/live/smil:onur.smil/jwplayer.smil as a playlist file , a strange occasion is happening .
There is my smil file :
<meta base="rtmp://s4.tilda.com.tr/live/_definst_"/>
<video src="mp4:onur_360p" system-bitrate="663552" width="640" height="360"/>
<video src="mp4:onur_270p" system-bitrate="249152" width="480" height="270"/>
<video src="mp4:onur_audioonly" system-bitrate="49152"/>
As you see in rtmp part my server is shown rtmp://s4.tilda.com.tr/live instead of rtmp://s4.tilda.com.tr:80/live .
Because of that, jw player says id not found on server, means stream not found.
Can you help me in this case ?