Afraid that with all the steps I’ve managed to muddle my way through with setting up a working installation, I’m officially at my wit’s end on this one.
I have an origin-edge setup with the edge running transcoder to generate multiple streams (using default template with audio set to disabled).
This much appears to work fine. I’m able to call the ngrp-based .m3u8 file directly from Safari on an iPad for example and it plays the video.
My objective is to be able to play the video across all* devices. I’m using JWPlayer for this. I’m not married to it by any means, I just need a proof of concept right now. This worked flawlessly when it was a simple live-live-repeater setup.
I have followed the instructions the best I could at
I do in fact get the RSS file when I call it. The contents are as follows:
<rss version="2.0" xmlns:media="" xmlns:jwplayer="">
<media:content url="mp4:STREAM_source" bitrate="51200" width="320" height="240"/>
<media:content url="mp4:STREAM_360p" bitrate="850" width="480" height="360"/>
<media:content url="mp4:STREAM_160p" bitrate="200" width="214" height="160"/>
But of course I end up with nothing on the screen as a result. On the PC with Firefox, I see absolutely nothing. Nothing indicated in page source either. On the iPad, I see a black box with the dimensions supplied in the JWPLAYER JS with a play arrow that does nothing.
It’s probably worth noting that in the player’s assigned DIV (mediaplayer), I do have text indicating JavaScript is required and that text disappears indicating to me that the JWPlayer is doing something with the container on all platforms, but I’m not seeing anything in way of video.
Any ideas? I tried following along with others having the issue in the aforementioned thread, but I have to be honest in that I’m not sure what to do. Copying the RSS contents to playlist.xml and specifying it as the playlistfile does not appear to work for me. I don’t know how to use the debug player, if that’s meant for client or host (client being PC, host being Linux).