I’m newbie Wowza module developer.
I face on problem in my project.
I want to return some custom response message. when rtpSession rejected. (like http response body)
But i can’t find method or can control handle in RTPSession object.
in describe this project
Client have to connect Wowza server like this : rtsp://[Wowza-IP]:1935/live/?ID=12345&PubPoint=mystream
but, if client use connect URL like this : rtsp://[Wowza-IP]:1935/live/?PubPoint=mystream
I want to control return custom response message like this.(if i can control more lower level)
RTSPBufferedWriter.write("RTSP/1.0 [COLOR="#FF0000"]400[/COLOR] OK" + CRLF);
RTSPBufferedWriter.write("Public: DESCRIBE, SETUP, PLAY, PTIONS" + CRLF);
RTSPBufferedWriter.write("CSeq: " + RTSPSeqNb + CRLF+ CRLF);
RTSPBufferedWriter.write("[COLOR="#FF0000"]Parameter ID - required[/COLOR]"+ CRLF);
The red font is custom return Code & message.
Is there are something way to resolve this issue?
This project have to use RTSP protocol(we can’t change other protocol http, rtmp).