I implementing the GoCoder in my project for live stream, but I have some problems with the quality of my streaming.
My project is for a low bandwidth connections (~4-6Mbps download, ~2-3Mbps upload) then I think the best configuration for my scenario is nearby of:
videoFrameRate = 24
videoWidth = 640
videoHeight = 480
videoBitrate = 1500000
videoKeyFrameInterval = 24
audioBitrate = 64000
audioSampleRate = 44_100
audioChannels = 1
videoBitrateLowBandwidthScalingFactor = 0.65
But I have one critical problem, in my camera preview, I have a beautiful quality of content, but in my streaming have a “cropped” version of the camera preview. the area of camera is smaller.
In the output console, shows a log about the correctBufferOrientation with a scale factor. if I try to set others resolutions.
This problem shows in resolutions less than 1280x720.
I don’t know why the GoCoder do this. how to I stream the same resolution I setted up in the WowzaConfig?
I need a same content in the preview and stream… I wish to don’t loses a part of camera.