I used the ami-c2fd6dab AMI (us-east-1) to build an instance with wowza. I can’t figure out how to SSH in to the ec2 instance with the wowza user, is that even possible? I SSH in using ec2-user and the .pem file that AWS generated for me. But I can’t use that identity, or figure out how to use a password.
When I log in as ec2-user I try to start and stop the server, but get permission denied errors:
[ec2-user@ip-10-191-39-232 ~]$ service WowzaMediaServer stop
WowzaMediaServer: stopping
waiting for processes to exit^[[A
waiting for processes to exit^[[Brm: cannot remove `/var/run/WowzaMediaServer.pid': Permission denied
[ OK ]
[ec2-user@ip-10-191-39-232 ~]$ service WowzaMediaServer start
/etc/init.d/WowzaMediaServer: line 63: kill: (1330) - No such process
WowzaMediaServer is already running (1330): stopping
rm: cannot remove `/var/run/WowzaMediaServer.pid': Permission denied
WowzaMediaServer: starting [ OK ]
touch: cannot touch `/var/run/WowzaMediaServer': Permission denied
This doesn’t look like it’s really restarting the server.