Hello Everyone,
I’m in search of a consultant on behalf of the telecommunications company I work for. We’re looking to launch a new live streaming service to help promote a new mobile network we’ve recently implemented. Basically, we’re looking to broadcast a live stream that is being provided to us from a separate media broadcasting company. We plan on using the Wowza Streaming Engine to pick up this broadcast, and then redistribute it out to our subscribers on several different platforms (computer/mobile).
Since none of us have any experience with streaming media, we’re looking for some consulting in order to ensure a smooth launch of our service. Listed below are the main items we’re hoping to receive help with from the consultant.
-Hardware Recommendations
-Configuration and setup
-Testing and troubleshooting of the new service
-Deployment recommendations
-Development of a Web and Mobile platform to view the stream from (this objective is still TBD)
The budget is still being worked out, with any consulting fees being added into the equation. The service is expected to launch in the beginning of November, so we’ll have about a month to complete the project. We’re based in the GMT+10 timezone, which can make availability a bit difficult, so a consultant in a similar timezone would be preferred, but not necessary. Please let me know if any additional information is needed.
Thank you for the consideration,
Jason F.
I can definitely help you out as I have similar solutions deployed
Even though, I’m on EST (GMT -5) so I agree that timezone con make availability a challenge.
Hello Jason,
With the experience from multiple successful similar projects, I’m ready to help your company to get a satisfying solution. Please contact me on Skype (karelboek), or by email for references, and to further discuss this opportunity.
Kind Regards,
Karel Boek

I’ve participated in different highload projects (core developer of CDNs and strreaming platforms) and definitely know how to configure streaming infrastructure for such tasks.
So leaving my email here too : rshmelev@gmail.com
Hello jasonef,
I did the same project in Turkey and India. I can provide all the recommendation to you and also show different panel demonstration to you.
Our panel can work on linux and windows. All of my solution is scalable , ie: you concert working with 40 broadcasting company , when the number increase all you need create a new instance , also my solution compitable with Aws. In addition , I provide custom Html5 ( sails , angularjs based ) and flash ( as3 , osmf based) player
that have
*auto bitrate
*secure source protection
*video in video feature
*prerol ,midrol and postrol feature like adv module
*managable question and announcement form
*embed and iframe output
also providing custom transcoder transrate application written in C# and Java .
For more information please visit my website ( my content has being started to translate in English , now it’s in Turkish but you can easily find the portfolio and panel screenshot in my website,or google page translater can be used.
Kind Regards,
Emre Karatasoglu
Skype&Email : emre.karatasoglu@hotmail.com
Phone : +90 532 346 67 79