I have the following Live Streaming realized:
On client as publisher I use ffmpeg -re -i file.m4a -c:a copy -f flv rtmp://mywowza_server:1935/live/myStream
I can hear successfully whit Chrome on Android devices such as Samsung S5 and Note 3 at URL http://mywowza_server:1935/live/myStream/playlist.m3u8
But if I use a mp3 file, I can no longer hear on Android devices.
I tried to solve the problem with use of TRANSCODER on WowzaStreamingServer (without success).
But my actual goal is the use of “Adobe Flash Media Live Encoder” as publisher. “Adobe Flash Media Live Encoder” can only mp3 Audio Format. I do not want to buy plugin for Encoder.
Can anyone help me to implement my goal?
Best regards
Ensure you’re using a URL such as this at least for mp3 playback:
Some Android devices do have some problems streaming live mp3
The reality is that AAC is the better choice for mobile audio streaming. It is compatible with a wider range of devices when it comes to live streaming.
I would recommend giving it a try on your devices to see if that works better for you anyway.
thanks for the quick response.
It works when I video and audio stream. I just want to stream audio only and that does not work 
and that’s exactly my question is whether it can be realized with transcoder.
If Transcoder is a solution for me how to template look like?