Hung up on Sign In page for Streaming Engine Manager

Okay . . . I’m sure this has been covered before, but I couldn’t find it by pasting the text ‘To continue, enter the user name and password you entered during installation.’ into the search box.

I cannot get past this prompt on the Wowza Streaming Engine Manager URL. It has rejected every combination of user/pass I can think of.

The only user/pass I was prompted for when I set up the application was my admin login for my own machine, which allows me to install apps. That doesn’t work.

What is it looking for? Does anyone know? Can I get around this?

I can get files to play in the example folders, but I am trying to get further than that.



Hello there and welcome to the Wowza support forum.

You can check what the password and user name are in the admin.password file located in [install-dir]/conf/admin.password.

It will look like this:

The admin.password file is looks like this:
# Admin password file (format [username][space][password][space][group])
#username password group|group
For the "group" entry use "admin|advUser"
user pass admin|advUser

I hope this helps.
