Hi, I have spent two days trying to make streamlock to work via https:
The following source works:
So does the following:
So the stremlock virtual host seems to work!
However!!!: https://xxxstreamlocknumberxxx.streamlock.net:443/live/streamname/playlist.m3u8 - DOES NOT WORK!!!
Also testing SSL on it, I am getting complains.
the certificate is sitting in the following folder on wowza under Google Cloud VM:
The port 443 is open on FireWall.
The issue is, that I am trying to integrate JW Player on the site and use wowza as scalable server, but can’t seem to make it work as website is https and I have a feeling all the issues I am having with JW (OR actually any other player ingegration) is the fact that I can’t call source via https (via streamlock).
I am at the poing of giving up lol as its getting rediculous.
I am sure its something simple that makes it not work, but can’t figure out what exactly is wrong?