I have to livestream video on mobile devices in HTML5 as well as on major desktop browsers. According to old topic: Streaming to HTML5 from wowza it seems that it was not possible. I have also get into statement on jwplayer site:
The biggest drawback is that RTMP only works in Flash and not in HTML5. New HTTP streaming protocols, like Apple’s HTTP Live Streaming (HLS), have wider device support (e.g. iOS) and will likely replace RTMP over the coming years. JW Player supports Apple HLS in both Flash and HTML5 mode.
So it seems that is doable by HLS in some point for mobile devices, but as http://www.jwplayer.com/html5/hls/ shows it’s not really good solution for me. So getting to the point. Am I able to live stream video by HTML5 some how? Does the Wowza transcoder AddOn will be the solution? Any hints about this topic would be appreciated. The target goal is to use Tandberg TCS and enable live streaming on mobile devices and normal browsers. Does someone faced similar problem? Maybe there is other way to accomplish it.
Thanks in advance,
Hi Greg,
Please take a look at this article and see if it helps get you started on the right path:
How to use JW Player with Wowza Streaming Engine
I hope this is helpful and please let us know if we can assist you in the future.
Hi eponym user 
Although your first post is 6 monthes old, it seems the situation is not better, you can say it’s even worst with buggy support of HLS in recent android versions.
Wowza 4 is doing a great job providing various streaming possibilities based on a single live feed, but the problem is on the browser side:
There’s also a protocol problem: “real time” protocols (rtmp and rtsp) are good but sometimes don’t go through firewalls, so the new ways involve “segmented mp4 over http” (hls for instance), which introduces a delay ; in my experience this delay is usually over 30s, sometimes a lot longer, and this prevents using video in interactive usages.
To sum up, the only realiable way is to use flash on desktop and custom app on mobile - that is never html5 
Hello Greg.
You can reduce the 30 second delay in HLS streaming by following this guide:
How to configure Apple HLS packetization (cupertinostreaming)
Thanks, I’ll test that tonight
Hello Greg.
You can reduce the 30 second delay in HLS streaming by following this guide:
How to configure Apple HLS packetization (cupertinostreaming)