I am trying to record live stream with REST API query like in the article:
Everything is working fine. I can start and stop recording by POST/GET requests with JSON parameters. But I need some custom logic for the process: insert/update data in my database on file segment start/end.
Is there a parameter in POST request which specifies custom IStreamRecorderActionNotify interface like in a ServerSide API and what is its name?
WSE 4.7.7
My current POST request:
- Command
- Data
"instanceName": "_definst_",
"fileVersionDelegateName": "com.wowza.wms.livestreamrecord.manager.StreamRecorderFileVersionDelegate",
"serverName": "",
"recorderName": "b61ddc3f-82b0-4903-8007-fc05d3396438",
"segmentSchedule": "",
"outputPath": "",
"currentFile": "",
"applicationName": "rtp-live-iot",
"fileTemplate": "${SourceStreamName}_${RecordingStartTime}_${SegmentNumber}",
"segmentationType": "SegmentByDuration",
"fileFormat": "MP4",
"recorderState": "",
"option": "",
"currentSize": "0",
"segmentSize": "0",
"segmentDuration": "1800000",
"backBufferTime": "0",
"currentDuration": "0",
"startOnKeyFrame": "true",
"recordData": "false",
"moveFirstVideoFrameToZero": "true",
"defaultRecorder": "false",
"splitOnTcDiscontinuity": "false"
With respect,