I am working on wowza live streaming analytics module for hls and rtmp streams.
i want to fetch following information from HLS and RTMP type live streaming…
-> viewer’s information
-> viewer-end user-agent
-> total data streamed to viewer
-> total play duration of media
-> flavours played during the stream.
i’ve fetched this data for RTMP live striming using following listener and classes:
->Listener: IMediaStream.addClientListener()
->Notifier: IMediaStreamActionNotify3
->Some wowza’s basic server API
i am not aware about the listener to get stream specific information in case of HLS(cupertino) live streaming.
i’ve achieved following in case of HLS(cupertino) live streaming:
-> total data transferred to viewer
-> user-agent
-> viewer’s information
and the information that is not achieved yet in HLS live streaming:
->total play duration of media
->flavors played during the stream
i’ve tried HTTPStreamerApplicationContextCupertinoStreamer.addVODActionListener() but is works with VOD type application only.
Can you please help me on this?