how to customize, how long before cupertino session is automatically destroyed ?


I see that the cupertino sessions are automatically destroyed if it’s inactive. I mean, when someone plays a video and after sometime pushes “done” he’s back to the browser, but session is not destroyed as yet and stays intact for another couple of seconds.

I using Links on the web page to allow user to seek to a specific part in the video, Also, i have URls that expire. So what happens is, if the guys takes longer to whatever is the current threshold(pretty low for me, i assume it’s around 15 seconds). He can’t play the video, since the session just got destroyed and new session cant be created because URL expired too.

So how can I adjust this time to, say around a minute ?




What version of Wowza are you using? The new 3.1 release has significant updates to the way cupertinostreaming sessions are handled and that will help in your case.


if the guys takes longer to whatever is the current threshold(pretty low for me, i assume it’s around 15 seconds). He can’t play the video, since the session just got destroyed and new session cant be created because URL expired too.

Are you still experiencing the same problem using 3.1? Expired sessions should recover in 3.1. If this is still a problem can you give us more detail about this, how to replicate, what you are expecting?


I don’t. This is something about your application that you have to work through.


Try setting this with the newSessionTimeout Property


Try adding to the Application.xml /HTTPStreamer /Properties list for vod and /LiveStreamPacketizer /Properties list for live


I think newSessionTimeout is the property you need for this purpose. I’m not sure about validSessionTimeout, it’s not in the config reference, I don’t have info at the moment on this property. You can copy in your Application.xml to have a look; it should work per application.



Perhaps this is what you’re looking for:


This is clearly a problem with your app as we have ruled out a Wowza fault in this issue.

btw, the session does recover, but fails due to my app not able to validate it(the timestamp expires).

my intetnion is just to prolong the time before destroy.


Hi Richard,

i was using 3.0, just updated to 3.1 now where do i find out what i am looking for ?

is there some new property in 3.1, apart from validSessionTimeout to make this happen ? because adjusting validSessionTimeout doesnt seem to do the trick

is it something that’s not supposed to happen ? i mean, the session should expire if it’s idle.

here are the details,

i am on “Wowza Media Server 3 Developer Edition (Expires: Jun 09, 2012) 3.1.0 build1410”

the app works like this,

the web server generates a URL, based on which session id validated in session create, further in keyRequest() some more

credentials are checked, before key is passed on to the client.

now, as i said, the web page has some seek points which allow the user to directly move on to a scene. On RTMP the whole thing can be done in web page itself, but on apple devices, the media player is invoked. So if the guy has to browse to a particular scene(hyperlinked in the webpage), he has to quit the player and come back to safari.

now here the problem lies, since he has just around 15-20 seconds, It affects the user experience. Though it does try to recreate a session, my app rejects it because the URL has, meanwhile expired.

hence the guy would have to refresh the page, which is not desirable

what can i do to prolong this idle time, or is it controlled by safari and not customizable ?

Are you still experiencing the same problem using 3.1? Expired sessions should recover in 3.1.

btw, the session does recover, but fails due to my app not able to validate it(the timestamp expires).

my intetnion is just to prolong the time before destroy.

Any suggestions ?

So if i get it right, you are saying that there is no way to customize the session timeout time, right?

Hi Randall,

i went through that post,

i did try to raise timeout by this propery




it doesnt seem to have any effect, i did it per app as suggested.

any clues, as to what am i missing ?

Hi Richard,

i was finally able to do it via newSessionTimeout change at the global level, however when i do it at app level, there seem to be no effect, is there any other step involved while modifying a property at the app level, i assume the app level thing should override the global stuff, right ?

btw, what’s the newSessionTimeout, from the sematics of it shouldnt the validSessionTimeout be the one i should be modifying ?

yeah, i did the same earlier but it didnt have any effect, finally i made the change in httpstreamers.xml at global level. Although, i have just one HLS app right now, so basically it doesnt bother me. but if in future ig i need multiple cupertino streaming apps, i guess there might be a problem.

and once again, would you please let me know the difference between ‘new’ and ‘vaild’ sessionTimeout