How to convert 4:3 to 16:9 live stream with cut a part of frames from up&down?
I have cameras that could work only in 4:3 format, but i need 16:9.
Transcoder can do this, but in this case i got a flattened live stream.
How to convert 4:3 to 16:9 live stream with cut a part of frames from up&down?
I have cameras that could work only in 4:3 format, but i need 16:9.
Transcoder can do this, but in this case i got a flattened live stream.
To remove some of the frame from the top and bottom use “Fit Mode: Crop” in the encode for the transcoding template.
You can then set both the Width and Height as required for playback.
Below the Fit Mode options you will see the options for Crop which will allow you to take the required pixels from each edge of the frame.