I have installed wowza 4.7.5 on Windows 7.
I followed step by step instruction as described but https is not working?
httpsKeyStore=…/…/conf/5aa97865d****.streamlock.net.jks httpsKeyStorePassword=[password]
This works https://5aa97865d****.streamlock.net
This doesn’t work https://5aa97865d**.streamlock.net:8090/enginemanager/
This doesn’t work rtmps://5aa97865d**.streamlock.net:443/live
first idea. did you check your firewall for open ports?
can you give the url from the tutorial you followed?
You have to specify the absolute path to the keystore for the “httpsKeyStore” parameter
in the file [install-dir]/manager/conf/winstone.properties
This is the solution to the [install-dir]/manager/log/winstone.log error:
net.winstone.WinstoneException: No SSL key store found at …/…/conf/keystore.jks
I just discovered the same, specifying an absolute path to the keystore works - I assume the cwd when loading the file is different to where the winstone.properties files resides, it’s misleading that the default value for the httpsKeyStore is a relative path
> From [install-dir]/manager/conf/tomcat.properties
I am using Windows 7. Can you please provide me with the correct [install-dir],
httpsKeyStore=C:/Program Files (x86)/Wowza Media Systems/Wowza Streaming Engine 4.7.5/conf/5e42b9d0*****.streamlock.net.jks
It is not working this way - https://5e42b9d0*****.streamlock.net:8090/enginemanager/
Can you help.
Thanks in advance!