Thank you very much for your answer.
My question is more specific.
I need to know how many times a specific movie is watched.
For example:
if there is a movie inside folder ‘content’ named: mymovie.mp4,
this movie should be called by movie players as:
“http://{SERVER IP}:1935/vod/mp4:mymovie.mp4/manifest.f4m” (for HTTP)
“rtmp://{SERVER IP}:1935/vod/mp4:mymovie.mp4” (for RTMP)
“http://{SERVER IP}:1935/vod/mp4:mymovie.mp4/playlist.m3u8” (for HLS)
“http://{SERVER IP}:1935/vod/mp4:mymovie.mp4/manifest.mpd” (for MPEG-DASH)
“http://{SERVER IP}:1935/vod/mp4:mymovie.mp4/Manifest” (for SILVERLIGHT)
“rtsp://{SERVER IP}:1935/vod/mp4:mymovie.mp4” (for RTSP)
I would like to know how many people wathced movie: mymovie.mp4, regardless if they used HTTP, RTMP, HLS, MPEG-DASH, SILVERLIGHT, RTSP.
The aim is to find which of our movies are more popular, and to get statistics about how many people watched EACH movie, and not totally all of our movies.
So, if we have movies:
** movie1.mp4
** movie2.mp4
** movie3.mp4
we would like to know that, for example, last month,
** 20 people wathed movie1.mp4
** 2 people wathed movie2.mp4
** 500 people wathed movie3.mp4
Propably log files give this information, but it is difficult to understand deeply them and to extract this information from them.
Other ways, such as the wowza manager web page, give very general information, and not specific information for movies.
Is there a way that could help as to extract these information?
Thank you!!