Hi there,
I’m wondering how Httpproviders are invoked. Will the main thread run this httpprovider in the main thread, or create a new thread to run this provider?
For example, I wrote an httpproivder named “say_hello”. It’s bind to port 1935 and the request filter is *greeting. If thousands of clients simultaneously send “http://wowza ip:1935/greeting” to my server, what will happen on the Wowza server end?
Hi Yorick,
This was addressed by our CTO in a previous post.
Here is a quote from his post:
The server runs on a thread pool mechansism. There is a handler thread pool and transport thread pool. It is not a single thread per-connection. We use non-blocking IO in Java to handle the transport. We have multiple select handlers running on their own threads.
So overall the server is highly multi-threaded. Everything is broken into small jobs and submitted to thread pools.
I would be very interested in this blog post, but the link seems to be broken. Please, can you provide a working link?