I am pulling streams from 2 RTSP IP cameras and pushing them out via Wowza using 2 streams: source and 360p. I am using Flowplayer to play the rtsp-to-rtmp “source” stream and it works fine. I am streaming the 360p profile out via .m3u8 files for mobile devices and it simply crashes all the time when viewing it on iPad, iPhone and Android devices. Sometimes it will play for 5 minutes then crash, while other times it either never connects or it plays for a few seconds then crashes.
I’ve been testing out Wowza now for only a couple weeks, and with these issues I can’t comfortably tell my client that this server is the way to go, so I really need to get some answers.
Much thanks in advance.
Are you using Flowplayer to play the Cupertino/Apple HLS compatible stream?
If you play the stream directly from the IP camera using VLC does the stream crash at any time?
Are you using Wowza to transcode the stream?
Do you get any error in the logs when the stream crashes?
Can you provide the links so I can see the stream playback? (optional)
I had a look at your other post but will submit the answer here.
To remove this error I suggest adding this property to the Application.xml
This can be found in the IP camera tutorial here,
I’ll take a look at the stream in a moment and get back to you.
I’ve had a look and I could be the validation that’s causing problems which will be tuned off using the property above.
If the above does’t work you could try using jitter buffer and logging to help determine the problem,
What version of Wowza are you using?
I think you may have added the property block in the wrong place in the Application.xml.
If you open up a ticket by sending an email to support@wowza.com we can take a closer look.
Attach a zipped copy of the /conf and /logs in the email and a link to this thread for reference.
I made the change you mentioned above to Application.xml, restarted Wowza, set up the cameras to stream and nothing worked after the change (all streams could not be found). Removed it, restarted and now everything works again. Any ideas??
NOTE: I made the above change to the file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Wowza Media Systems\Wowza Media Server 3.5.2\conf\live\Application.xml