Hi. What is the roles of 'DRM Service Providers'?

Hi. First of all, I’m sorry for my bad English.

Our company is going to VOD streaming services with WowzaStreamingEngine and FlowPlayer(Flash,HTML5). I’m troubled with DRM solution.

I have no professional skills about DRM. I read some document on this link. Wowza doesn’t support DRM solution, so I need third-party DRM solution like Adobe Access or Microsoft PlayReady or Verimatrix® VCAS™. But I can’t understand about the roles of “DRM Service Providers” and “DRM Technologies”.

I tried so many times to understand about this. The main role of DRM Technologies(DRM Server) is ‘Encrypting the streaming packet’. Is it right? But, what is the role of DRM Service Providers like BUYDRM, EZDRM???

Thanks in Advanced.


Hello there and welcome to the Wowza support forum.

I would suggest you start by reading this Wiki:

Digital rights management



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