helpe please thanks

hello please I have problem with the progam wowza, I followed the instructions as such as this in the guide but I can not get into the web access WowzaStreamingEngine-4.0.6 always says to me: “” “” Wowza Streaming Engine Manager Could not connect to the Wowza Steaming Engine (http // localhost: 8087). Verify That the Wowza Streaming Engine service has started and is running. “” “” " i have Pc windows 7 32bit …please can help my ?

I followed this guide but to no avail

Hi there and welcome to the Wowza support forum.

Can you please re-start Wowza in stand alone mode [install-dir]/bin/startup.bat. This will output the logs to a console window. Please look for any errors or warnings in the logs and post them here.

Also, here is a user submitted solution for 32 bit OS which may be of some help to you:

Solved: Cannot Start WSE 4.0.0 on 32 bit OS

Thank you.
