Help with calculating bandwidth usage

I think this might be a silly questions, but I have been having a hard time figuring out how to calculate my estimated bandwidth usage. The thing is we’re going to be streaming 24/7 IPTV television feeds, and hundreds of channels. All the bandwidth calculators ask you to input a video clip length and obviously that is not possible in my case. It would make a big difference if the user turns on the stream and leaves it on for hours on end. Assuming we have 500Kbps streams and 500-1000 users, how can I calculate this to get a decent estimate?


I assume you need a ‘transferred byte count’ using your figures above.

So 500kbps = 62500 bytes per second ( divide by 8 )

So for 500 users = 31250000 bytes per second

1000 users = 62500000 bytes per second ( 62Mbytes approx )

For 1 hour 500 users = 112500000000 bytes ( 112Gigabytes )

1 hour 1000 users = 225000000000 bytes ( 225Gigabytes )

So 24 hours for 500 users = 2688 Gigabytes ( 2.6 TBytes )

24 hours for 1000 users = 5376 Gigabytes (5.3 TBytes )

For 30 days ( average month day count ) for 500 users = 78Tbytes

1000 users = 156Tbytes

I think the above is correct but please do check with other sources.


For Flash connections, the summary rows are stream/destroy and session/disconnect. There are tables of fields and events in the Logging chapter of user guide.

I like to look at the logs in excel, delete the top 4 rows so the header row comes to the top then freeze it.

Exceptions are possible: stream/destroy or session/disconnect rows might be missing because of sudden shutdown for example. So, alternatively, with everything in a table you can group by x-stream-id for streams and c-client-id for connections to get summary data from the last row in date order, regardless of event.


Use the data in the latest row, ordered by date, desc

For a Flash RTMP connection sc-bytes is per NetConnection, sc-stream-bytes is per NetStream



If i want to calculate total bandwidth from all sessions would I calculate on the scstreambytes field for all xevents of ‘destroy’ ? (basing my question on the logging setup here )

Or would I need to include other events like disconnect and stop?


I’m thinking I need to calculate anything with the xevent stop or destroy. Is this true?


I want to calculate the total bandwidth per stream.

If I understood, I can check the sc-bytes value in the destroy event. However, my question is when I don’t receive the destroy event due a shutdown.

So, in that case, let’s suppose that I had many Play/Stops because it was a live stream (cupertino). Has the last stop event the total bandwidth?

Regards, ollivera

By the way, as I want to calculate the total bandwidth per stream. Should I use sc-bytes or sc-stream-bytes in the destroy event?