Google Compute Cloud - Network capacity?

Hi Everyone

Google doesn’t seem to really give any detail on network performance metrics…

Which leads to the big question - How many users you can push onto one Wowza load balanced VM.

Has anyone used the big VM’s on google cloud - e.g the n1-highmem-32 ( 32 CPU, 208GB Ram ) instances? If so, what kind of bandwidth limits are imposed?

Any experiences with the Google cloud and bandwidth performance metrics would be much appreciated.



If you’re concerned about hitting a bandwidth limitation on Google Cloud Platform, you may want to consider using a Content Distribution Network (CDN) to distribute your streams instead. You can use a Google Cloud Platform instance to push stream to a CDN and therefore limit the resources needed on the GCP platform. For more information on the CDN networks, please see the following article:

Stream Live to CDN’s

Best regards,
